Theme: Own arrangement or composition (£100 prize!), or music from a living composer.
This month we have a special competition — play your own composition or arrangement, and be in the running to win a £100 voucher/prize for the best own composition or arrangement, as voted for by the members in attendance on the night. Terms and conditions apply!
We don’t anticipate a huge number of entries, so alternatively, just play something by a living composer — but you won’t be in line for the £100 prize!
19:15-19:45 Solos and chamber ensembles
19:45-20:00 Member’s Short Talk TBD
20:00-20:50 Guest Speaker: Steve Toon, Guitar Maker Steve will talk about his general approach to guitar making and his more recent excursions into double-top guitars. Also about the way he developed his ideas on this type of guitar and all being well he will bring one new guitar for a demo.
21:00-22:00 BCGS Ensemble Rehearsal